The difference between the Cecchetti 3rd Arabesque and Russian 3rd, is that
Cecchetti Third: both arms are extended forward to the side of the supporting leg. The fingertips of the arms farther from the audience are in a line with the centre of the space between the eyes while the arms are near the audience in a line with the shoulder.
While Russian Third: the arabesque face diagonally toward the audience. The supporting leg is nearer the audience and with the other leg leg raised in croise derriere at right angles to the supportingleg extended forward on a level with the shoulder and the other arm extended to the side.
Demi Pointe- Indicates that the dancer is to stand high on the balls of the feet and under part of the toes
Releve-Raising of the body on the pointe or demi-pointe.
Sous-sus- A releve in the fifth position performed or traveled forward, backward, or to the sides
Coupe- A small step done as a preparation for another step. Can be done saute, terre a terre, croise, or efface.
Cou De Pied- "Neck" of the foot. The part of the foot between the ankle and the base of the calf